Our research focus

Drawn image of a brain with neurons and immune cells

The Neuroimmunology lab studies the complex interactions between the immune and nervous systems. This is a rapidly advancing field in science that is discovering the immune system's role in brain health and diseases. We now understand that immune-related processes are involved in conditions that were previously thought to be purely neurological disorders. Gaining a deeper understanding of how the immune system and the brain interact will revolutionize our understanding of brain biology and diseases.

One area of interest is the role of T cells in processes that cause inflammation in the brain and contribute to neurodegenerative disorders. However, we still have a lot to learn about these cells and their functions in a healthy brain. Our lab has two main goals: first, we want to explore how T cells contribute to brain plasticity. Second, we aim to understand how T cells impact neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental disorders. By achieving these goals, we hope to discover new markers that can help diagnose these conditions and find potential targets for developing therapies.